Meeting Taylor 8/1/2024

During the vigil this last Sunday one of the J6 callers asked about how Taylor and I met…So here is the story:

In January of 2003 I reported to the LDS Mission Training Center in Sao Paulo Brazil for a year and a half long mission. During the beginning of an LDS foreign mission, missionaries spend around 2 months training before they go on to serve in different areas throughout the country they have been assigned to. 
Well, it turned out that Taylor and I were at this center in Brazil at the same time, for about 7 weeks. 

During my first week there, my companion and I were walking through the gym to get to one of our classes. We were lost and were trying to navigate our way through the center, when we came across Taylor and his companion. They were walking through the gym on their way to the nurse, because Taylor had just sprained his ankle, playing basketball.  Taylor stopped us and asked where we were from and if we needed help knowing where to go. 

We talked for a few minutes. We found out that we were both from the Boise area, our parent’s lived about 15 minutes from each other and we knew a lot of the same people. Then went our separate ways.

Taylor saw me a few other times during our time at the training center, but I was mostly oblivious of him. 

I returned home to Boise, Idaho, July 2004 and Taylor got back that December. Taylor recounts that on the flight home he remembered me, being from Boise, and wondered if we would meet again. That same week he got home he went to visit one of his good friends, who happened to be dating my sister. Long story short…that’s how we met and started to date… I’ll share more of this story another day…to be continued!