Don’t Forget to Vote, by Taylor

From Taylor


A few years ago, with the help of a friend (he did all the work, I only had the idea), we started a website called, with the concept that as ‘the people’ our greatest strength lies in our individual choices. That, like single drops of rain eventually form raging rivers capable of moving anything in it’s path. Hydraulic forces are some of the strongest forces on earth, and so is the will of the people.

That will is expressed moment to moment and day by day when we vote with our DOLLARS, our EYEBALLS, and our CLICKS. In one week (or less by the time you read this), one of the other ways we the people express our will is with our BALLOTS.

If you have not already voted, please do. If you know someone who you think hasn’t voted, please encourage them to do it– do more than encourage it, help them register, help them get their ballot, and help them turn it in or go to a polling center/location to do it. Do not underestimate your power, do not think you don’t matter, you do.

There is a trick politicians, and by extension the media play– it’s called the Hegelian dialectic. The idea is they take different topics and they coral the people on two side of any issue: pro-choice/pro-life, pro-war/anti-war, pro-union/right to work…Most issues, are more complex than the simple dualities we are spoon fed by the political industrial complex, which in America has boiled things down to Republican – Democrat, Red – Blue paradigms.

We are in the middle of a realignment, some elections matter more than others. This is one of those. Donald Trump and his MAGA movement have swallowed up the Republican party and have claimed the ‘middle ground’ or the ‘common sense’ positions that were tacked against by the traditional two party system. For example, for the first time in living memory, we have a ‘republican party’ that is anti-war AND pro-life… Traditionally the two party system split the issues of life. To vote for prenatal life, you had to vote Republican, which also supported foreign war…To vote against foreign war, you had to vote for ‘choice’ and to sacrifice prenatal life. They split the issue of Life, and made you decide to support the life of babies, or our brothers and sister abroad. (Understandably, this isn’t as simple as the duality I just presented, there are reasonable justifications for both Abortion and War, but the two party system took that debate from the people and placed with the politicians who simply made you ‘split the issue’ while in smoke filled rooms they tacked back and forth moving forward where THEY wanted to go, not where we did…hint– war and abortion in our abundant world are both about population control).

The current election presents a choice between two candidates who have realigned. One party is pro-choice (abortion) AND Foreign war…One party is Pro-life AND anti-war…imagine that. I can go on for a long time, about how almost every major issue that once was split by the Hegelian dialectic method, has realigned. One party holds the commons sense middle ground, the other is on the extremes.

Please consider your vote in this cycle more important than ever. This election will solidify the direction we go for the next generation.

Also…I have heard good things for my family and I, if the Red team wins…
