Dawn’s Early Light, By Taylor 8/27/2024

I have been thinking a lot today about this letter that Mark Zuckerberg wrote to Jim Jordan. I am stunned at the admission of participation in what amounts to a criminal conspiracy in accordance with USC 18 Section 241 and 242…I am just amazed. We know from both the ‘twitter files’ and now this letter that both Twitter and Meta were compelled to lie, and additionally censor the truth about COVID, including humor and satire. They both were told by the FBI directly that the Hunter Biden laptop was Russian disinformation and it was imperative they censor and suppress it. This one thing alone swung the election. Amongst Biden Voters, at least 17% said the would not have voted for Biden if they had known about it. In addition Mark Zuckerberg funded many of the changes to facilitate the new election rules and procedures brought about by the suspension of state constitutions via emergency powers due to COVID (remember how he admitted the COVID info was a lie). Basically he said, oops, we screwed up, don’t want to do that again. Is it any wonder the day Zuckerberg openly admits to interfering in the 2020 election, Jack Smith indicts, again, Donald Trump for essentially not accepting the 2020 outcome…hmmm.

I started my podcast because of the COVID nonsense. I saw it clearly, my friends and family did not, so I choose to add my voice to the conversation. I saw the issues with the election as they started over the summer of 2020 and spoke out. I was fully aware of the laptop and saw that train wreck of censorship and Biden Family corruption amounting to 27 million in foreign bribes linked to policy changes and 8 million on Democrat donor benefactor loans as of yet un-repaid (see the House Committee Report)…Needless to say, without much detail (you guys all know the jest), I am now in prison…in a cascade of dominos that were set up by who? Who pressured (and lied to) Zuckerberg? WHAT AGENCY? Like seriously, the same agency that knocked on my door looking for me?

“Politics is downstream of culture” said the late Andrew Breitbart. This election should be a funeral for progressive policies that have run their course. In the 90’s and early 2000’s there were certain aspects of Reagan conservatism that were rejected by the people. They voted in change agents over the years. By the time of Obama’s second term, many of those ‘changes’ had run their course and the people started to reject them. They did this in the election of Donald Trump in 2016…But, nothing dies easy…from 2016-2020 the progressives had finally climbed all the ladders. They held high seats in corporate America, and in government (they always had academia). DEI was their mantra (a rebrand of affirmative action, which Reagan Killed). DEI was everywhere, and agents of DEI beat Trump by hook or crook in 2020…(see the Time Magazine Article entitled “Election Integrity Project”)

Biden gave in completely, like diversity Olympics, he appointed people who were box checkers rather than people of merit. Black/Female VP, Black/Female/Lesbian Press secretary, Gay/Veteran Transportation secretary, Transgender-women Health and Human Services Secretary and on and on…Merit be damned, we are diverse…

Meanwhile, in corporate America, DEI was failing. Over the last 4 years BlackRock has rejected DEI, Harley Davidson, Tractor Supply, John Deere, and this morning Lowes officially rejected DEI, heck even Starbucks recently fired their ‘all in for DEI’ CEO…Even Boeing, who employed DEI hiring practices now has a space ship stuck in space, stranding it’s crew, to be rescued by the ANTI-DEI company, Space X…remember politics is downstream of culture.

This election was supposed to be a funeral, how appropriate. Biden, who even looks nearly dead, would pass on, lose, and it would be a soft end to failed progressive policies…Corporate America has shifted, the Politics would shift, and Academia can go back to the drawing board…(a little Adam Smith Wealth of Nations anyone, anyone?)… But, those DEI advocates won’t go quietly. What was supposed to be a funeral of a election, is now a funeral with an open casket…worst part, the cadaver might be a zombie, who just might come back to life and kill us all before DEI and it’s obvious outcomes are done and buried.

When you goal is power (DEI is about power) and not merit, all the rules get thrown out. The Zombie Candidate, who is half way in the grave, is now acting alive. Harris said today, via Axios, she will finish the wall…Really, the same wall she called a vanity project and rooted in white supremacy? Harris said she would cut tax on tips…really, a progressive cutting taxes, hardly believable…Harris will be tuff on crime…Really, the woman who supported 2020 riots, even bailing out certain rioters who later committed murder? Really…The zombie is trying to pretend to be alive, the zombie might eat us in the end.

I hope you guys all encourage everyone to vote…Even very prominent, popular Democrats, like RFK Jr. and Tulsi Gabbard have seen the light, endorsing Donald Trump. Why, because Trump isn’t a republican, he is an American…We need to restore America first, then we can go back to arguing about Red or Blue placemats…It doesn’t much matter the ticky tacky policies when we don’t have free speech, free press, capitalism, a merit based culture etc. etc. Trump, in 4 years, can only correct some seriously out of whack things. The real work of policy will happen in 2028 and beyond. Harris needs to go to the grave with Biden, like it should have been…then in 2028 the Shapiros, Newsomes and Whitmers can argue policy with the Vances, Scotts and DeSantis…But right now, it’s about more than Red or Blue ties on politicians. It’s about blue Union Jack with 50 white stars, on a field of 13 red and white stripes. Hopefully over the next 70 days (this dark night), we wake up on the 71st morning and see in the dawns early light, THAT OUR FLAG IS STILL THERE.
