He’s a Felon Now

It was so interesting today listening to the audio of the courtroom where Donald Trump was sentenced today.  There will be days of punditry associated with this of course…but allow me to add some of my own.  

“Under Law”…When I was in DC, I had a conversation with an Iranian sixer who had actually served time in an Iranian Prison for protesting when the Ayatollah overthrew the Shah of Iran back in the 70s (this is now his second time as a political prisoner)…when we talked about why the American people allowed ‘this all to stand’, I said, because to most Americans this is being hidden ‘under the law’ and in ‘the name of the law’.  That as long as Americans believe there is Due Process, then we are all good.  So great is our faith in Due Process, that as long as we believe in Due Process, we believe in its outcomes.  

When the Judge made a point to say that Trumps case was the same as all his other cases in his courtroom, that employees did their jobs, court officers, court employees all maintained that Trump be treated and trial progressed exactly as all his other cases…here is the hitch, the American people got to see how this court operated.  Rather than go through the details, I’ll assume you are up to speed and the numerous violations of Due Process…if this judge just said “I treated Trump like I treated everyone else” then what does that say about everyone else’s Due Process? It feels like more of an admission, in essence he was saying ‘I do this to the peasants everyday, so it was easy to do to you, everyone just does their job, they do what we pay them to do’.  

Tyranny can hide under Law.  I have said many times, I don’t care if the boot is coming from the left or the right, it’s still a boot on my neck.  

There were some black inmates listening in, people I have never spoken to, who all said they like Trump, they like the way he talks, he is easy to understand, they know where he stands and they trust him.  They are glad he is convicted, because now “he knows what the system is like”.  

I coined the term ‘Despotic Tyranny of Custom’.  Look up those words in a legal dictionary and see if you agree.  


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