Vox Populi, Vox Dei 8/5/2024

Written July 28, 2024 from Taylor- 


With only 100 days to go till the end of ‘election season’, (remember, remember November 5th now represents the end of the Election ‘season’ it is no longer a one day event). I wanted to share some of my thoughts about the events of the last few weeks.


I was on my way to the chow hall when I heard that former President Trump had been shot at. Later in the chow hall I heard he was actually shot and there was blood! When I returned to the housing unit all the TVs were turned to the different news channels carrying live coverage and responses to it all. I was shocked as to how close we came to descending into what would undoubtedly be one of the darkest chapters in American history. I shutter to think of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd order consequences of things, in the coming weeks and months, would have been. His demise would cause ripples around the world. He, as a symbol, has come to represent freedom and populist movements around the world as an organic resistance to centralized government and power. 


With the former President Trump operating within the bounds of the political boundaries of the Republic espousing democratic principles, there is hope that there can be a peaceful return of power to the people, Vox Populi, Vox Dei (voice of the people, the voice of God). However with his absence that power will not transfer in such a controlled manner.


I do believe the hand of providence is on this country and that man. I believe the hand of providence is on the hearts of loving people around the world who wish the best for themselves, their families and their neighbors. National sovereignty is an extension of personal sovereignty. It is volunteered to governments in measured amounts to do for us, that which we cannot do for ourselves. However, when governments begin to attempt to do for us, or demand from us, something that we can and should do for ourselves the balance of power is off. There is a natural resistance to the over encroachment. Donald Trump is the embodiment of that resistance.


When he stood after the attempt on his life and said “Fight, Fight, Fight” he sent a shockwave through the world that the strength of the people will not be so easily dissuaded, that truly Vox Populi, Vox Dei will not be so easily silenced, for “if God is on our side, who can be against us?”

In the weeks that followed, as if in some self-fulfilling prophecy, Vox Populi, Vox dei, Joe Biden stepped away from his campaign. While the mainstream media, the same ones who covered up President Biden’s failing capacity, then viciously turned on him, is doing all they can to inflate the sails behind Vice President Kamala Harris. The people are not so gullible. For 9 years, that same media has thrown everything they could at the Movement of the People and Mr. Trump’s effort to return power to the people, and yet could not stop him, even with an assassin’s bullet.


 The people can see that while Robert Kennedy Jr., a sincere Presidential candidate, with all the property registrations, and primary participation is unable to get onto more than 12 state ballots, somehow Vice President Kamala Harris, who has not had one single primary vote, or met one single registration deadline, is being thrust upon the people by an ‘Elite Few’ – this will not fool many. There is no doubt the very gates of hell will open. There is no doubt that this endeavor will require the people to ‘Fight, Fight, Fight’ (as a matter of hyperbolic rhetoric, always of course within the prescribed bounds of the political process). May the hand of providence rests on all the people, there is always a peaceful way. Do what you can to make your voice, as a part of the people’s voice, heard.


Do not lose hope, trust the people, Vox Populi, Vox Dei, who can be against us?


Taylor Johnatakis