Stories to the little boys 7/28/2024


How are you doing this week, Caleb? I heard last week you went to the library and went to the skate park a few times. Mom said you ride the scooter and the skateboard, which do you like better? I thought this week I would tell you a story about the first fish I ever caught. I was not much older than you, maybe six or seven. My Mom’s family had a family reunion in Oregon at a lake called 10 Mile Lake. My Mom grew up near there and my Grandma and Grandpa borrowed or rented a cabin on the shores of the lake for the family reunion. I had seen my Uncles, Dad and Grandpa fishing the day before but I never got the chance to catch anything. I saw how they used the fishing pole though, and how the line went in and out. I knew how to cast and real the line back in. I also saw the bait they used, which was a little rubber jelly squid lure with a hook in it.

 I woke up early in the morning, before anyone else, and walked from the cabin down to the dock. I wasn’t big enough to be on the dock by myself, but I went anyway. I took a fishing pole that already had a squid lure on it. When I got down to the dock the sun had barely come up. I cast the squid lure out as far as I could and started to reel it back in, really slow. I think I cast out two or three times when suddenly I felt a bite. A fish bit the lure and the fishing pole was dipping down. Do you remember when you caught your first fish? Do you remember how the fishing pole bent down? Well, I started to reel the fish in, it wasn’t hard. Right as I got the fish out of the water, I heard my grandpa Ferguson come out of the cabin and yell at me because I was on the dock without an adult. I turned around with a fishing pole holding the fish up. I said, “Grandpa! I caught my first fish!”. I showed him as he walked down to the dock.


 I caught my first fish all by myself. My first fish was a Blugil or BlueGill fish. It wasn’t big like your first fish, but its dorsal fin had spikes. This is kind of what a bluegill fish looks like…. They are not very big. They like fresh water (not the saltwater ocean) like Lakes. They live around and under lily pads and docks. Usually they don’t live in deep water. As I got older,  I would fish around my Grandma and Grandpa’s house and learn to catch them pretty easily with a worm on a hook.


 I love you buddy. 


Give your mom a hug for me and give Joe a high five for me too. 


Love Dad


 I’m doing good. I like riding the scooter more than the skateboard. DAAAAAAAA (Caleb thinks saying that is hilarious). Love you Dad. Thanks for the story about the fish. Dad, my first fish was a dog fish. Do you remember when we caught that?! I was on the boat. 

Love Caleb…love you Dad

I'll save Joe's story for next time...