Peasants Perspective

A January 6th family’s experience: from being a husband and father, a hardworking peasant, to an  inmate.

The things that Taylor and I wrote while he was in the DC Jail can be found in the sections: Letters & Essays (by Taylor) and Back at Home- Marie’s Perspective.

Taylor was transferred to two other jails after he finally ended up in Springfield Missouri. The Blog  is a combination of some of our writings while he is in Springfield.

"My name is Taylor Johnatakis. I started a podcast called "The Peasant’s Perspective, New Commentary for the Common Man”. The premise of the podcast was that no matter what the government does, we peasants have to stay focused on our families, and in many cases, survive day to day. January 6th for me, was an opportunity to get “content” for experiential storytelling, to see a major moment in history, win or lose. I was NOT incited by Trump. Before I set foot on capitol grounds I knew Mike Pence had denied the challengers to the election. I did not know a “riot” or “property damage’ or a pipe bomb had been placed at the DNC and RNC headquarters. But, rather I thought the overwhelming voice of the people would be heard and noticed by the politicians on the inside. Because I don’t carry violence or hate in my heart, I simply wanted to be heard. After watching my town board up their windows for a 2020 BLM/Antifa march and nearby Seattle loose a city block and the east police precinct (nearly without consequence), I viewed the rules of engagement more liberally. I assumed the cops would tolerate rowdiness and would let us know when the “lines were crossed” to a civil disturbance. In Seattle I had seen things like pepper spray used to guide a crowd or protect a “police line”, and frankly I was misinformed and misguided in the foreign land that DC is. I chose to get rowdy, but not violent, at the time I felt it was a right born of necessity. I would have gladly accepted the $65 “Welcome to DC protest” tickets that I had seen people from Martin Luther King Jr to Laura Loomer receive. Sadly, no such ticket came, rather I was charged with 3 felonies and 5 misdemeanors. The DOJ dropped one misdemeanor charge the morning of trial and I was convicted on 7 charges...In the trial by jury, I asked the three police officers who testified if, “I hurt, harmed, threatened or injured them in any way?” their uniform answer was “no”, I then asked if they accepted my sincere and heartfelt apology in my role in the events of that day, to which they all said “yes”, one even saying “it’s water under the bridge”, and another saying “yeah, we are good”, with a smile on his face, another admitted we did not even interact. Ultimately I was convicted, no surprise there. The definition of a railroad is a track or course where the destination is determined. The J6 experience is a railroad….I accept that. Judge Lamberth told me, emphatically before trial, with emotion in his voice, ‘when you are done with this, you are going to jail’. He made good on his promise, remanding me one day  before Thanksgiving to the DC gulag" (Excerpts from Taylor's "Letter to the Press- Looking Back", written on 12/12/2023-the full letter can be found in the Letters and Essays section ).

Taylor's January 6th Experience

If you would like to donate or send prayers to Taylor's family, please visit: Give Send Go

Common Sense: Applied Today

Taylor revisits a timeless piece by Thomas Paine and applies it to today

In the news, interviews and call ins

Invitation2Freedom Series- J6 Picks the Lock

Episode 1:We are talking about the judicial system, administrative state, election fraud and giving our listeners simple affective actionable steps that will turn the J6 inmates and family’s suffering into a gift for all of humanity!

Episode 2:
* What it means to have the government prosecute you.
* How sentencing guidelines work and the process from being charged to sentencing.

Episode 3:

In this episode with Marie and her husband Taylor Johnatakis, a J6 inmate phoning in from a DC Corrections Facility we’ll be exploring the idea that the things that we see in other people are often more of a reflection of ourselves than them.
Is this how the ruling class accuses others of and are they possibly the worst offenders? “The Dark Side of the Light Changers” by Debbie Ford writes about this.

Episode 4:We’ll be discussing to vote and hope is not a solution Marie and Taylor Johnatakis.
The people have the power. You must communicate with every congressman and senator. This system is unjust! We have the power to change it. No more penalties for standing on your rights, “he who stands on his rights injures no one”, and should surely not injure himself. In this episode we will talk about many things, including how standing on your rights (in the current system) is in fact causing harm.

Episode 5:  J6 can never happen again, changing the trajectory of the country: an honest look at the 14th and 16th Amendments